Dictionary Entry | Posted 11/08/2017
Quote from "The Bed-Rock Beneath Pragmaticism"
…the principle that logicians call “the Nota notae,” that the sign of a sign of anything, X, is itself a sign of the very same X…
Dictionary Entry | Posted 11/08/2017
Quote from "Nota Notae"
Nota notae [Lat.] The logical principle Nota notae est nota rei ipsius, that is, the predicate of the predicate is the predicate of the subject...
Article in Journal | Posted 22/03/2016
Stjernfelt, Frederik (2015). Blocking evil infinites: A note on a note on a Peircean strategy
This brief note considers Peirce's strategy of terminating potentially evil infinities - concerning relations, continuous predicates, leading principles, habits - by appeal to the Nota Notae...
Manuscript | Posted 22/08/2015
Peirce, Charles S. (1893). How to Reason: A Critick of Arguments. Advertisement. MS [R] 397
Robin Catalogue:
A. MS., G-1893-5, pp. 1-12.
Only the 1st paragraph of p. 1 was published: Collected Papers, Vol. 8, p. 278. Unpublished: a general summary of CSP’s work in...
Continuity, Political Economy, Inference, Reasoning, Diagram, Nota Notae, Doctrine of Relations, Logical Machine, Syllogism, Kant, Logic of Relatives, Deductive Reasoning, Hegel, Georg Cantor
Manuscript | Posted 01/09/2014
Peirce, Charles S. (1896). On the Logic of Quantity. MS [R] 13
Robin Catalogue:
A. MS., n.p., [c.1895], pp. 1-13; 7-12, with an alternative p. 8 of another draft.
The principal questions raised are these: Why mathematics always deals with a...
Mathematics, Systems of Quantity, Philosophy, Logic, Metaphysics, Special Observational Sciences, Special Science, Psychical Science, Physical Science, Nomological Science, Classificatory Science, Descriptive Science, Arts, Categories, Quality, Actuality, Law, First, Second, Third, Medium, Otherness, Firstness, Secondness, Thirdness, Idea, Fact, Evolution, Artist, Practical Man, Philosopher, Singular fact, Dual Fact, Relation of Reason, Real Relation, Individual, Identity, Likeness, Plural Fact, Chaldean Metaphysics, Chaos, Partial Determination, Triplicity, Term, Proposition, Mathematics of Logic, Principle of Identity, Falsity, Principle of Contradiction, Principle of Excluded Middle, Function, Equivalence, Copula of Inclusion, Nota Notae, Principle of the Transitiveness of the Copula, Principle of Reasoning from Definition to Definitum, Principle of Hypothetic Syllogism, Principle of the Dilemma
Manuscript | Posted 05/05/2013
Peirce, Charles S. (1893-1895 [c.]). Division III. Substantial Study of Logic. Chapter VI. The Essence of Reasoning. MS [R] 409
From the Robin Catalogue:
A. MS., G-1893-5, pp. 85-141 (pp. sog, 130 missing), with 8 pp. of variants.
Published, in part, as 4.53-56 (but not all of 56) and 4.61-79 (...
Term, Concept, Proposition, Judgment, Belief, Inference, Assertion, Symbol, Index, Subject, Predicate, Meaning, Selective, Grammar, Hieroglyphs, Monstrative Sign, Reasoning, Leading Principle, Knowledge, Perfect Knowledge, Sure Knowledge, Practically Perfect Belief, Information, Essential Possibility, Substantial Possibility, Informationally Possible, Informationally Necessary, Informationally Contingent, Nominalism, Realism, Essential Necessity, Substantial Necessity, Laboratory Philosopher, Seminary Philosopher, Descartes, Imaginative Reasoning, Experiential Reasoning, Nota Notae, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics
Manuscript | Posted 25/11/2012
Peirce, Charles S. (1908). The Bed-Rock Beneath Pragmaticism. MS [R] 300
From the Robin Catalogue:
A. MS., G-1905-1e, pp. 1-65; 33-40; 38-41; 37-38; 40-43.7; plus 64 pp. of fragments running brokenly from p. 1 to p. 60.
This was to have...
Pragmatism, Protagoras, Truth, F. C. S. Schiller, William James, James Mill, Indefiniteness, Protagoreanism, Plato, Vagueness, Generality in Depth, Positivism, Pragmaticism, Ethics of Terminology, Existential Graph, Chemical Graph, Chemistry, Ligature, Selective, Proper Name, Spot, Identity, Iconicity, Logical Depth, Logical Breadth, Phemic Sheet, Universe of Discourse, Nota Notae, Continuity, Line of Identity, Personal Identity, Tree of Porphyry, Concept, Teridentity, Generalized Icon, Composition, Compositionality, Icon, Sequence, Negation, Time, Reasoning, Richard Whately, Pragmaticistic Interpretation, Ground, Augustus De Morgan, Entitative Graph, Sign, Representamen, Euler's Diagrams, Friedrich Albert Lange, John Venn, Graphist, Interpreter, Universe of Real Capacities, Universe of Actual Fact, Universe of Tendencies, Modality, Information, Actual, Possible, Necessary, Tincture, Logical Universe, Oscar Howard Mitchell, Assertion, Feeling, Reason, Material Part, Essence, Alfred Bray Kempe, Connexion, Pseudo-continuity, Bernard Bolzano, Nominalism, Pseudo-continuum, Georg Cantor, Proof of Pragmatism, Proof of Pragmaticism, Limit, Quasi-continuity, Richard Dedekind, Betweenness, Relative, Existential Relation