Substantial Possibility

Keyword: Substantial Possibility

Dictionary Entry | Posted 06/03/2018
Quote from "Division III. Substantial Study of Logic. Chapter VI. The Essence of Reasoning"

the substantially possible refers to the information of a person who knows everything now existing, whether particular fact or law, together with all their consequences...

Dictionary Entry | Posted 11/08/2017
Quote from "The Regenerated Logic"

possibility may be understood in many senses; but they may all be embraced under the definition that that is possible which, in a certain state of information, is not known to be false....

Dictionary Entry | Posted 11/08/2017
Quote from "The Logic of Relatives"

In respect to the ideal world we are virtually omniscient; that is to say, there is nothing but lack of time, of perseverance, and of activity of mind to prevent our making the requisite...

Manuscript | Posted 05/05/2013
Peirce, Charles S. (1893-1895 [c.]). Division III. Substantial Study of Logic. Chapter VI. The Essence of Reasoning. MS [R] 409

From the Robin Catalogue:
A. MS., G-1893-5, pp. 85-141 (pp. sog, 130 missing), with 8 pp. of variants.
Published, in part, as 4.53-56 (but not all of 56) and 4.61-79 (...