Essential Possibility

Keyword: Essential Possibility

Dictionary Entry | Posted 06/03/2018
Quote from "Division III. Substantial Study of Logic. Chapter VI. The Essence of Reasoning"

That is essentially or logically possible which a person who knows no facts, though perfectly au fait at reasoning and well-acquainted with the...

Dictionary Entry | Posted 11/08/2017
Quote from "The Regenerated Logic"

possibility may be understood in many senses; but they may all be embraced under the definition that that is possible which, in a certain state of information, is not known to be false....

Dictionary Entry | Posted 11/08/2017
Quote from "The Logic of Relatives"

Very many writers assert that everything is logically possible which involves no contradiction. Let us call that sort of logical possibility, essential, or ...

Manuscript | Posted 05/05/2013
Peirce, Charles S. (1893-1895 [c.]). Division III. Substantial Study of Logic. Chapter VI. The Essence of Reasoning. MS [R] 409

From the Robin Catalogue:
A. MS., G-1893-5, pp. 85-141 (pp. sog, 130 missing), with 8 pp. of variants.
Published, in part, as 4.53-56 (but not all of 56) and 4.61-79 (...