Dictionary Entry | Posted 19/03/2018
Quote from "Draft of Nichols Review [C]"
…the essence of law consists in its being a conditional truth about the indefinite future, and never can become matter of actual fact. Or we may say it is such a...
Article in Journal | Posted 13/03/2017
Sorrell, Kory (2001). Peirce and a Pragmatic Reconception of Substance
Discusses the development of a pragmatic conception of substance in relation to philosopher Charles Peirce's scholastic realism. Details of Peirce's categories of substance; Arguments...
Monograph | Posted 19/01/2016
Haas, William P. (1964). The Conception of Law and the Unity of Peirce's Philosophy
Manuscript | Posted 20/07/2015
Peirce, Charles S. (1893 [c.]). Nominalism, Realism, and the Logic of Modern Science [R]. MS [R] 860
Robin Catalogue:
A. MS., G-c.1896-1, 17 pp.
From this manuscript, 6.492-493 were published. Unpublished: scientific method and the solution of philosophical problems....
Science, Scientific Method, Nominalism, Real, Reality, Law, Isaac Newton, Bernhard Riemann, Léon Foucault, Carl Friedrich Gauss, Positive Knowledge, Mathematical Knowledge, Unknowable, Experience, God
Manuscript | Posted 08/07/2015
Peirce, Charles S. (1903). Lecture VII [R]. MS [R] 474
Robin Catalogue:
A. MS., notebook, n.p., 1903, pp. 96-152.
Volume II of the Seventh Lecture. Law, uniformity, and variety. Critical comments on Mill’s views on the uniformity of...
Uniformity of Nature, John Stuart Mill, Law, Nominalism, Scholastic Realism, Variety, Induction, Pooh-pooh Argument, Joseph Gratry, Pierre Simon Laplace, Number
Encyclopedia Article | Posted 20/02/2015
Rosenthal, Sandra: "Proofs of realism and experiential flow"
Peirce stresses that the pragmatist qua pragmatist must embrace realism as opposed to nominalism. He offers as well “proofs” of realism which are open to various criticisms. Within the framework...
Manuscript | Posted 12/01/2015
Peirce, Charles S. (1899-1900 [c.]). Notes on Topical Geometry. MS [R] 142
A. MS., G-undated-16 [c.1899-1900?], 6 pp., plus 2 pp. each of two other drafts having the same title as above.
Published, in part, as 8.368n23. Omitted from publication are definitions of “...
Thing, Act, Law, Hope, Law of Excluded Middle, Mathematics, Identity of Indiscernibles, Collection, Isaac Newton, Character, Ens Rationis, Sign, Icon, Index, Symbol, Designation, Reagent, Term, Proposition, Argument, Correspondence, Individual, Indeterminacy
Manuscript | Posted 11/01/2015
Peirce, Charles S. (1903). Lowell Lectures. 1903. Sixth Lecture. Probability. MS [R] 472
Robin Catalogue:
A. MS., 2 notebooks, G-1903-2a, pp. 2-130.
Published, in part, as 6.88-97 (pp. 8-62). Omitted: the relationship between logic and mathematics; independence of...
Metaphysics, Logic, Chance, Uniformity, Variety, Necessitarianism, Simon Newcomb, Law of Nature, Law, Evolution, St. Augustine, Boëthius, Cause, Fact, Aristotle, Hobbes, Leibniz, Kant, Existence, Duns Scotus, Thomas Reid, Past, Future, Time, Habit, Ignorance, Insurance, Diversity, Doctrine of Chances, Long Run, Denumeral Collection, Probability, Gregor Mendel, Pierre Simon Laplace, Ratio of Frequency, Hume, Miracle
Manuscript | Posted 25/11/2014
Peirce, Charles S. (1903). C.S.P.'s Lowell Lectures of 1903 2nd Draught of 3rd Lecture. MS [R] 462
Robin Catalogue:
A. MS., n.p., October 5, 1903, pp. 2-88 (pagination by even numbers only), incomplete.
Alpha part of existential graphs: permissible operations. The Beta part....
Beta Graph, Alpha-impossibility, Beta-impossibility, Principle of Contradiction, Principle of Excluded Middle, Relation, Reference, Gamma Graph, Ens Rationis, Softness, Hardness, Adjectival Meaning, Constitutive Principle, Regulative Principle, Pragmatism, Dormitive Virtue, Quality, Possibility, Law of Nature, Existence, Dyadic Relation, Triadic Relation, Brute Relation, Rerelation, Conception, Giving, Law, Sign, Firstness, Secondness, Thirdness, Icon, Index, Symbol
Manuscript | Posted 22/09/2014
Peirce, Charles S. (1903). Lecture I [R]. MS [R] 448
Robin Catalogue:
A. MS,. notebook, G-1903-2a, pp. 1-48.
Published as 1.591-610, with omissions. Unpublished: Present day science suffers from a malady whose source is an...
Science, Reasoning, Feeling of Logicality, Logical Criticism, Conduct, Feeling of Pleasure, Morals, Self-control, Ideal, Pleasure, Self-criticism, Liberty, Necessitarianism, Moral Conduct, Norm, Standard, Logic, Ethics, Guessing, Criticism of Reasoning, Certainty, Body, Soul, General Formula, Sensation, Law, Wilhelm Wundt, Logica Utens, Tycho Brahe, Isaac Newton
Manuscript | Posted 01/09/2014
Peirce, Charles S. (1896). On the Logic of Quantity. MS [R] 13
Robin Catalogue:
A. MS., n.p., [c.1895], pp. 1-13; 7-12, with an alternative p. 8 of another draft.
The principal questions raised are these: Why mathematics always deals with a...
Mathematics, Systems of Quantity, Philosophy, Logic, Metaphysics, Special Observational Sciences, Special Science, Psychical Science, Physical Science, Nomological Science, Classificatory Science, Descriptive Science, Arts, Categories, Quality, Actuality, Law, First, Second, Third, Medium, Otherness, Firstness, Secondness, Thirdness, Idea, Fact, Evolution, Artist, Practical Man, Philosopher, Singular fact, Dual Fact, Relation of Reason, Real Relation, Individual, Identity, Likeness, Plural Fact, Chaldean Metaphysics, Chaos, Partial Determination, Triplicity, Term, Proposition, Mathematics of Logic, Principle of Identity, Falsity, Principle of Contradiction, Principle of Excluded Middle, Function, Equivalence, Copula of Inclusion, Nota Notae, Principle of the Transitiveness of the Copula, Principle of Reasoning from Definition to Definitum, Principle of Hypothetic Syllogism, Principle of the Dilemma
Manuscript | Posted 12/03/2013
Peirce, Charles S. (1911). A Logical Criticism of the Articles of Religious Belief. MS [R] 856
From the Robin Catalogue:
A. MS., n.p., 2 pp. of one of the alternative sections are dated April 5 and 7, 1911, pp. 1-18, with several alternative sections.
The contempt for...
Religion, Deduction, Induction, Retroduction, Reasoning, Critic, Existential Graph, Cut, Dot, Perception, First Impression of Sense, Logic, Free Will, Law, Law of Nature, Scientific Prejudice, Miracle, Probable Deduction, Probability, Graph, Euler's Graphs
Manuscript | Posted 08/01/2013
Peirce, Charles S. (1903). Lowell Lectures on Some Topics of Logic Bearing on Questions Now Vexed. Lecture III [R]. MS [R] 460
From the Robin Catalogue:
A. MS., notebook, G-1903-2a, pp. 1-22.
Published, in part, as 1.15-26 (pp. 2-21). Gamma graphs, the third part of existential graphs, rendered...
Logic, Augustus De Morgan, George Boole, Realism, Nominalism, Law, Scotism, Humanism, Epicureanism, John Stuart Mill, Stoicism, Scepticism, Frances Ellingwood Abbott, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling, Existence, Aristotle, Entelechy, Matter, Form, Evolution, Being: Modes of, Actuality, Secondness, Firstness, Possibility, Thirdness
Manuscript | Posted 04/01/2013
Peirce, Charles S. (1903). Syllabus: Syllabus of a course of Lectures at the Lowell Institute beginning 1903, Nov. 23. On Some Topics of Logic. MS [R] 478
From the Robin Catalogue:
A. MS., G-1903-2b and G-1903-2d, pp. 1-168 (pp. 106-136 missing); a second title page; pp. 2-23 of a revised section; 69 pp. of variants; and a...
Classification of Sciences, Auguste Comte, Science of Discovery, Science of Review, Practical Science, Mathematics, Philosophy, Idioscopy, Phenomenology, Phenomenon, Normative Science, Metaphysics, Physical Science, Psychical Science, Nomological Physics, Classificatory Physics, Nomological Psychics, Classificatory Psychics, Descriptive Psychics, Speculative Grammar, Critic, Methodeutic, Psychology, Ethnology, History, Ontology, Religious Metaphysics, Physical Metaphysics, Crystallography, Biology, Chemistry, Ethics of Terminology, Firstness, Secondness, Thirdness, Hegel, Consciousness, Degeneracy, Law, Dissociation