@unpublished{Peirce1893 [c.],
author = "Charles S. Peirce",
title = "{Nominalism, Realism, and the Logic of Modern Science [R]. MS [R] 860}",
year = 1893 [c.],
abstract = "{Robin Catalogue:
A. MS., G-c.1896-1, 17 pp.
From this manuscript, 6.492-493 were published. Unpublished: scientific method and the solution of philosophical problems. Misapprehensions concerning the scientific method. Nominalistic and realistic metaphysics.
keywords = "Science, Scientific Method, Nominalism, Real, Reality, Law, Isaac Newton, Bernhard Riemann, Léon Foucault, Carl Friedrich Gauss, Positive Knowledge, Mathematical Knowledge, Unknowable, Experience, God",
language = "English",
note = "From the Commens Bibliography | \url{http://www.commens.org/bibliography/manuscript/peirce-charles-s-1893-c-nominalism-realism-and-logic-modern-science-r-ms-r} *** {Notes: Dated c. 1893 by the Peirce Edition Project