Dictionary Entry | Posted 18/03/2018 Quote from "Letters to Mario Calderoni" I find that there are in the phaneron, |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 16/03/2018 Quote from "Firstness, Secondness, Thirdness, and the Reducibility of Fourthness [R]" …Secondness, or the mode of being of that which is such as it is relatively to a second object but regardless of any third… |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 15/03/2018 Quote from "A Brief Intellectual Autobiography by Charles Sanders Peirce" Secondness is that mode or element of being by which any subject is such as it is in a second subject regardless of any third; or rather, the category is the... |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 09/08/2017 Quote from "The Logic Notebook" Secondness is the Mode of Being of that which is such as it is relatively to a Second but regardless of any third. That makes it of a brute nature. |
Manuscript | Posted 15/01/2015 Peirce, Charles S. (1904). Firstness, Secondness, Thirdness, and the Reducibility of Fourthness [R]. MS [R] 914 Robin Catalogue: |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 07/01/2015 Quote from "Lowell Lectures on Some Topics of Logic Bearing on Questions Now Vexed. Part 1 of 3rd draught of 3rd Lecture" I begin with the [element] which the rough and tumble of life renders most familiarly prominent. We are continually bumping up against hard fact. We expected one thing, or passively took it for... |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 25/11/2014 Quote from "C.S.P.'s Lowell Lectures of 1903 2nd Draught of 3rd Lecture" The second element is directly experienced in our sense of being here, in our sense of present fact, which is the experience of actual reaction with a non-ego. It consists... |
Manuscript | Posted 25/11/2014 Peirce, Charles S. (1903). C.S.P.'s Lowell Lectures of 1903 2nd Draught of 3rd Lecture. MS [R] 462 Robin Catalogue: Beta Graph, Alpha-impossibility, Beta-impossibility, Principle of Contradiction, Principle of Excluded Middle, Relation, Reference, Gamma Graph, Ens Rationis, Softness, Hardness, Adjectival Meaning, Constitutive Principle, Regulative Principle, Pragmatism, Dormitive Virtue, Quality, Possibility, Law of Nature, Existence, Dyadic Relation, Triadic Relation, Brute Relation, Rerelation, Conception, Giving, Law, Sign, Firstness, Secondness, Thirdness, Icon, Index, Symbol
Dictionary Entry | Posted 16/09/2014 Quote from "The Logic Notebook" In the contents of consciousness we recognize three sorts of elements, Firstness, Secondness, Thirdness. [—] What a Second is depends partly on another, but is regardless of any third, and thus of... |
Manuscript | Posted 01/09/2014 Peirce, Charles S. (1896). On the Logic of Quantity. MS [R] 13 Robin Catalogue: Mathematics, Systems of Quantity, Philosophy, Logic, Metaphysics, Special Observational Sciences, Special Science, Psychical Science, Physical Science, Nomological Science, Classificatory Science, Descriptive Science, Arts, Categories, Quality, Actuality, Law, First, Second, Third, Medium, Otherness, Firstness, Secondness, Thirdness, Idea, Fact, Evolution, Artist, Practical Man, Philosopher, Singular fact, Dual Fact, Relation of Reason, Real Relation, Individual, Identity, Likeness, Plural Fact, Chaldean Metaphysics, Chaos, Partial Determination, Triplicity, Term, Proposition, Mathematics of Logic, Principle of Identity, Falsity, Principle of Contradiction, Principle of Excluded Middle, Function, Equivalence, Copula of Inclusion, Nota Notae, Principle of the Transitiveness of the Copula, Principle of Reasoning from Definition to Definitum, Principle of Hypothetic Syllogism, Principle of the Dilemma
Manuscript | Posted 11/06/2014 Peirce, Charles S. (1897-8). Abstracts of 8 Lectures. MS [R] 942 From the Robin Catalogue: Continuity, Continuum, Quality, Logic of Events, Hegel, Existence, Real, Thisness, Possibility, Duality, Generality, Reaction, Secondness, Firstness, Threeness, Triad, Singularity, Combination, Time, Creation, Generalization, Habit, Objective, Subjective, Evolutionism, God, Herbert Spencer, Inner World, Outer World, Social World, Plato's World, Lamarckian Evolution, Darwinian Evolution, Idealism, Objective Logic, Casual Reaction, Substantial Reaction, Adventitious Reaction
Dictionary Entry | Posted 09/03/2013 Quote from "Letters to Lady Welby" The type of an idea of Secondness is the experience of effort, prescinded from the idea of a purpose. It may be said that there is no such experience, that a purpose is always in view as long as... |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 09/03/2013 Quote from "Letters to Lady Welby" … I was long ago (1867) led, after only three or four years’ study, to throw all ideas into the three classes of Firstness, of Secondness, and of Thirdness. This sort of notion is as distasteful... |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 09/03/2013 Quote from "A Guess at the Riddle" The First is that whose being is simply in itself, not referring to anything nor lying behind anything. The Second is that which is what it is by force of something to... |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 09/01/2013 Quote from "Lowell Lectures on Some Topics of Logic Bearing on Questions Now Vexed. Lecture III [R]" Let us begin with considering actuality, and try to make out just what it consists in. If I ask you what the actuality of an event consists in, you will tell me that it consists in its happening... |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 09/01/2013 Quote from "CSP's Lowell Lectures of 1903. 2nd Part of 3rd Draught of Lecture III" As to Secondness, I have said that our only direct knowledge of it is in willing and in the experience of a perception. It is in willing that the Secondness comes out most strongly. But it is not... |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 09/01/2013 Quote from "CSP's Lowell Lectures of 1903. 2nd Part of 3rd Draught of Lecture III" Now we found the genuine and degenerate forms of Secondness by considering the full ideas of first and second. Then the genuine Secondness was found to be reaction, where first and second are both... |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 09/01/2013 Quote from "Harvard Lectures on Pragmatism: Lecture III" Category the Second has a Degenerate Form, in which there is Secondness indeed, but a weak or Secondary Secondness that is not in the pair in its own quality, but belongs to it only in a... |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 09/01/2013 Quote from "Minute Logic: Chapter I. Intended Characters of this Treatise" All experience compels your acknowledgment. What, then, is the fact that is present to you? Ask yourself: it is past. A fact is a fait accompli; its esse is in praeterito... |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 09/01/2013 Quote from "A Guess at the Riddle" Just as the first is not absolutely first if thought along with a second, so likewise to think the Second in its perfection we must banish every third. The Second is therefore the absolute last.... |