
Keyword: Continuity

Article in Journal | Posted 02/10/2017
Tursman, Richard (1995). Cognition as a Dynamic System
Describes cognition as a dynamic system which involves a colligation from different fields of a number of concepts. Continuity as the ground for connections of two; Natural classes of connections of...
Article in Journal | Posted 02/10/2017
Myrvold, Wayne C. (1995). Peirce on Cantor's Paradox and the Continuum
Traces the development of Charles Sanders Peirce's ideas on set theory, a particular area of mathematics. Role of Peirce's conception in set theory in his conception of the continuum;...
Article in Journal | Posted 24/09/2017
Rosenthal, Sandra B. (1996). Continuity, Contingency, and Time: The Divergent Intuitions of Whitehead and Pragmatism
Focuses on Whiteheadian and pragmatic process philosophies. Illustration of the Whiteheadian view; Analysis of the issue of temporal atomicity; Discussion of the fundamental disparate paths...
Article in Journal | Posted 16/09/2017
Sfendoni-Mentzou, Demetra (1997). Peirce on Continuity and Laws of Nature
Focuses on philosopher Charles S. Peirce's internal structure of the doctrine of Synechism and the role it plays in his account of laws of nature. Description of continuity according to Peirce;...
Manuscript | Posted 24/08/2017
Peirce, Charles S. (1906 [c.]). On the System of Existential Graphs Considered as an Instrument for the Investigation of Logic. MS [R] 499(s)
Article in Journal | Posted 13/03/2017
Staab, Janice M. (1999). Questions Concerning Peirce's Agapic Continuity
Outlines the features of Charles Peirce's agapic continuity. Use of agape forces on metaphysical continuity; Consequences of modeling mental continuity; Information on Peirce's...
Article in Journal | Posted 13/03/2017
Locke, Gordon (2000). Peirce's Metaphysics: Evolution, Synechism, and the Mathematical Conception of the Continuum
Focuses on Charles Peirce's mathematical treatment of continuity for his Synechist analysis. Significance of the notion of transfinite sets; Role of continuity in Peirce's metaphysics.
Article in Journal | Posted 13/03/2017
Van Haeften, Chris (2001). Extension and Epoch: Continuity and Discontinuity in the Philosophy of A. N. Whitehead
Discusses A.N. Whitehead's philosophy which concerns the conception of the relation between continuity and discontinuity. Comparison of the views of Whitehead and Charles Sanders Peirce;...
Article in Journal | Posted 01/03/2016
De Tienne, André (2015). The Flow of Time and the Flow of Signs: A Basis for Peirce's Cosmosemiotics
Peirce nurtured a lifelong interest in the mathematics, metaphysics, and logic of time. For him, time was the primal form of continuum, and he studied it as such. That study is fundamentally...
Article in Journal | Posted 27/02/2016
Hudry, Jean-Louis (2004). Peirce's Potential Continuity and Pure Geometry
Discusses the definition of potential continuity by philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce. Definition of arithmetical continuity according to Bertrand Russell; Information on the concepts of...
Article in Journal | Posted 13/02/2016
Hull, Kathleen (2005). The Inner Chambers of his Mind: Peirce's "Neglected Argument" for God as Related to Mathematical Experience
The article explores the extent to which mathematician Charles Peirce's essay "A Neglected Argument for the Reality of God" might be a kind of mathematical argument and its...
Article in Journal | Posted 29/12/2015
Moore, Matthew E. (2007). The Genesis of the Peircean Continuum
The author examines philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce's Cambridge Conferences (CC) theory of the continuum. According to the author, theory integrates Peirce's philosophy and his...
News | Posted 07/11/2015
Symposium on Peirce's Mathematics

Symposium in Bogotá

Dictionary Entry | Posted 05/09/2015
Quote from "Training in Reasoning"

Generality […] is logically the same as continuity. But continuity is Thirdness in its full entelechy.

Manuscript | Posted 22/08/2015
Peirce, Charles S. (1893). How to Reason: A Critick of Arguments. Advertisement [R]. MS [R] 398

A. MS., G-1893-5, pp. 1-11.
Only the last 4 paragraphs (pp. 10-11) published: Collected Papers, Vol. 8, pp. 278-279. Unpublished: a summary of CSP’s work in philosophy and logic which is...

Manuscript | Posted 22/08/2015
Peirce, Charles S. (1893). How to Reason: A Critick of Arguments. Advertisement. MS [R] 397

Robin Catalogue:
A. MS., G-1893-5, pp. 1-12.
Only the 1st paragraph of p. 1 was published: Collected Papers, Vol. 8, p. 278. Unpublished: a general summary of CSP’s work in...

Manuscript | Posted 20/08/2015
Peirce, Charles S. (1897-8). Considerations for 8 Lectures. MS [R] 943

Robin Catalogue:
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 2 pp.; plus a typed copy.
Hegel and the logic of continuity. Specific criticism of Hegel’s understanding of mathematics, for example, his...

Dictionary Entry | Posted 30/03/2015
Quote from "Supplement"

A perfect continuum belongs to the genus, of a whole all whose parts without any exception whatsoever conform to one general law to which same law conform likewise all the...

Dictionary Entry | Posted 30/03/2015
Quote from "Synechism"

True generality is […] nothing but a rudimentary form of true continuity. Continuity is nothing but perfect generality of a law of relationship.

Dictionary Entry | Posted 30/03/2015
Quote from "Peirce's Personal Interleaved Copy of the 'Century Dictionary' [Commens]"

…I made a new definition, according to which continuity consists in Kanticity and Aristotelicity. The Kanticity is having a point between any two points. The Aristotelicity is...
