@article{De Tienne2015,
author = "André De Tienne",
title = "{The Flow of Time and the Flow of Signs: A Basis for Peirce's Cosmosemiotics}",
year = 2015,
journal = "The American Journal of Semiotics",
volume = 31,
number = "1/2",
pages = "29-53",
abstract = "{Peirce nurtured a lifelong interest in the mathematics, metaphysics, and logic of time. For him, time was the primal form of continuum, and he studied it as such. That study is fundamentally connected to Peirce’s semiotic and metaphysical exploration of the continuum of consciousness. In this paper I will use two successive approaches to answer the question “To what extent does the flow of time regulate the flow of signs and the flow of signs influence or determine the flow of time?” I will first examine Peirce’s views concerning the connection between time, the flow of perception, and the emergence of perceptual judgments. I will then apply several resulting distinctions (between first- and second-intentional processes, between poneception and anteception, and between two distinct temporal directions) to show how they illuminate the mutual determination of time and semiosis in Peirce’s mature semiotic theory. I will finish with considerations about how Peirce ended up viewing the genealogy of both time and logic in relation to the birth of a semiotic universe.}",
keywords = "Time, Perception, Continuity",
language = "English",
note = "From the Commens Bibliography | \url{http://www.commens.org/bibliography/journal_article/de-tienne-andr%C3%A9-2015-flow-time-and-flow-signs-basis-peirces}"