Dictionary Entry | Posted 18/03/2018
Quote from "Lecture I [R]"
The very being of the General, of Reason, consists in its governing individual events. So, then, the essence of Reason is such that its being never can have been completely perfected. It...
Article in Journal | Posted 13/03/2017
Meyers, Robert G. (2002). Peirce's Extension of Empiricism
Argues that Charles Peirce rejects Rene Descartes' dualism and conception of reason. Significance of David Hume's naturalist theory of the imagination; Defense of normativity in...
Dictionary Entry | Posted 11/11/2015
Quote from "Paulsen's Kant"
In the best philosophical use of English words, “reasoning” is a well-known operation of a mind, and “reasoning power” (or, less well, “reason”) is the faculty of performing it. “The Reason” is a...
Manuscript | Posted 22/09/2014
Peirce, Charles S. (1903). Lecture I [R]. MS [R] 449
Robin Catalogue:
A. MS., notebook, G-1903-2a, pp. 37-61.
Published, in part, as 1.611-615 and 8.176 (except 176n3) (pp. 37-49 and 51-53). Unpublished: criticism of Sigwart and...
Right Reasoning, Ultimate Aim, Ideal, Reason, Feeling of Logicality, Growth, Victoria Lady Welby, Meaning, Grades of Meaning, Methodeutic, Advancement of Knowledge, Critic, Logic, Epistemology, Speculative Grammar, Quasi-sign, Hardness
Manuscript | Posted 08/09/2014
Peirce, Charles S. (1895 [c.]). On the Logic of Quantity, and especially of Infinity. MS [R] 16
Robin Catalogue:
A. MS, n.p., [c.1895], pp. 1, 5-9, 7-18, 18-20.
Several definitions of “mathematics,” including Aristotle’s and CSP’s. Mathematical proof and probable reasoning...
Mathematics, Aristotle, Mathematical Hypothesis, Diagrammatic Embodiment, Diagram, Inherential Diagram, Imputational Diagram, Probable Reasoning, Probability, Experience, Deductive Reasoning, Syllogism, Scale of Quantity, Hume, Contguity, Idea, Vividness, Dimness, Clustering of Ideas, Feeling, Consciousness of Duality, Perception, Imagination, Attention, Desire, Suggestiveness, Inner World, Outer World, Nature, Resemblance, Reason, Evolution of Forms, Metaphysics, Quality, Dual Relation, Mediation, Plural Relation, Sign, Representamen, Icon, Noumenon, Index, Symbol, Assertion, Definition, Familiarity, Clearness, Distinctness, Proper Name, Number, Will, Intuition
Manuscript | Posted 25/11/2012
Peirce, Charles S. (1908). The Bed-Rock Beneath Pragmaticism. MS [R] 300
From the Robin Catalogue:
A. MS., G-1905-1e, pp. 1-65; 33-40; 38-41; 37-38; 40-43.7; plus 64 pp. of fragments running brokenly from p. 1 to p. 60.
This was to have...
Pragmatism, Protagoras, Truth, F. C. S. Schiller, William James, James Mill, Indefiniteness, Protagoreanism, Plato, Vagueness, Generality in Depth, Positivism, Pragmaticism, Ethics of Terminology, Existential Graph, Chemical Graph, Chemistry, Ligature, Selective, Proper Name, Spot, Identity, Iconicity, Logical Depth, Logical Breadth, Phemic Sheet, Universe of Discourse, Nota Notae, Continuity, Line of Identity, Personal Identity, Tree of Porphyry, Concept, Teridentity, Generalized Icon, Composition, Compositionality, Icon, Sequence, Negation, Time, Reasoning, Richard Whately, Pragmaticistic Interpretation, Ground, Augustus De Morgan, Entitative Graph, Sign, Representamen, Euler's Diagrams, Friedrich Albert Lange, John Venn, Graphist, Interpreter, Universe of Real Capacities, Universe of Actual Fact, Universe of Tendencies, Modality, Information, Actual, Possible, Necessary, Tincture, Logical Universe, Oscar Howard Mitchell, Assertion, Feeling, Reason, Material Part, Essence, Alfred Bray Kempe, Connexion, Pseudo-continuity, Bernard Bolzano, Nominalism, Pseudo-continuum, Georg Cantor, Proof of Pragmatism, Proof of Pragmaticism, Limit, Quasi-continuity, Richard Dedekind, Betweenness, Relative, Existential Relation