Manuscript | Posted 11/01/2015
Peirce, Charles S. (1903). Lecture V [R]. MS [R] 471
Robin Catalogue:
A. MS., notebook, n.p., 1903, 10 pp.
On multitude and collection.
Continuity, Multitude, Bernard Bolzano, Collection, Georg Cantor, Possibility, Generality, Indefiniteness, Discrete Object, Definiteness, Irrationals
Manuscript | Posted 08/01/2015
Peirce, Charles S. (1903). Lowell Lectures. 1903. Lecture 5. Vol. 1. MS [R] 469
Robin Catalogue:
A. MS., notebook, n.p., 1903, pp. 2-74.
Doctrine of multitudes. Breadth and depth. Reference to Bertrand Russell’s Principles of Mathematics in connection with...
Cardinal Number, Ordinal Number, Doctrine of Multitude, Collection, Multitude, Ens Rationis, Existence, Proper Name, Sam, Gath, Being, Essence, Breadth, Imputed Firstness, Pure Secondness, Regulative Principle, Quality, Bertrand Russell, Scientific Vocabulary, Relation, Georg Cantor, Achilles and the Tortoise, Cantorian Succession, Bernard Bolzano, Definition, Enumerable Collection, Denumeral Collection, Syllogism of Transposed Quantity, Depth
Manuscript | Posted 07/01/2015
Peirce, Charles S. (1903). Useful for 3rd or 4th?. MS [R] 466
Robin Catalogue:
A. MS., notebook, n.p., 1903, pp. 1-28, unfinished, with two p. 19’s, both of which leave text intact.
Mathematics and logic; existential graphs introduced...
Mathematics, Richard Dedekind, Logic, Necessary Reasoning, Assertion, Dyadic Mathematics, Existential Graph, Pure Mathematics, Multitude, Ordinal Number, Collection, Bernard Bolzano, Possibility, Quality, Relation
Manuscript | Posted 07/01/2015
Peirce, Charles S. (1903). Lowell Lectures of 1903. Lecture III. 2nd Draught. MS [R] 463
Robin Catalogue:
A. MS., notebook, n.p., 1903, pp. 11-17 (pp. 1-9 are mathematical notes and have nothing to do with the lecture).
On multitude and collection.
Manuscript | Posted 25/11/2014
Peirce, Charles S. (1903). Lowell Lectures of 1903 by C. S. Peirce. Second draught of Lecture 3. MS [R] 461
Robin Catalogue:
A. MS., notebook, n.p., September 30, 1903, pp. 1-9; plus 2 cards which were found inserted among the unnumbered pages of the notebook.
Multitude; serial order...
Manuscript | Posted 25/09/2014
Peirce, Charles S. (1903). Lowell Lectures. 1903. Lecture 3. 1st draught. MS [R] 458
Robin Catalogue:
Science, mathematics, and quantity. Pure mathematics (the science of hypotheses) is divided in accordance with the complexity of its hypotheses. Simplest mathematics...
Mathematics, Science, Philosophy, Benjamin Peirce, Richard Dedekind, Simplest Mathematics, Mathematics of Existential Graphs, False Graph, True Graph, Mathematics of Logic, Three-valued Mathematics, Theory of Numbers, Higher Arithmetic, Multitude, Maniness, Georg Cantor, Bernard Bolzano, Euclid, Infinity, Whole, Collection, Definition, Dyad, Duette, Ordered Pair, Ens Rationis, Nothing, Possible, Identity, Augustus De Morgan, Syllogism of Transposed Quantity, Existence, Experience, Knowledge, Possibility, Idea, Achilles and the Tortoise, Convenient Fiction
Manuscript | Posted 10/09/2014
Peirce, Charles S. (1905-07 [c.]). Considerations concerning the Doctrine of Multitude. MS [R] 27
Robin Catalogue:
A. MS., n.p., [c.1905-07?], pp. 1-5; 23, 24, 27, 29, 30.
The nature of definition; “collection” defined; first- and second-intentional collection.
Doctrine of Multitude, Mathematics, Georg Cantor, Bernard Bolzano, Whitehead, Definition, Mathematical Definition, Collection, Dyadic Relation, Triadic Relation, Multitude, Whole, Integral Whole, Member, Identity, Nothing, Thought, Purpose, Counting, Essence, Existence, Second Intention
Manuscript | Posted 25/11/2012
Peirce, Charles S. (1908). The Bed-Rock Beneath Pragmaticism. MS [R] 300
From the Robin Catalogue:
A. MS., G-1905-1e, pp. 1-65; 33-40; 38-41; 37-38; 40-43.7; plus 64 pp. of fragments running brokenly from p. 1 to p. 60.
This was to have...
Pragmatism, Protagoras, Truth, F. C. S. Schiller, William James, James Mill, Indefiniteness, Protagoreanism, Plato, Vagueness, Generality in Depth, Positivism, Pragmaticism, Ethics of Terminology, Existential Graph, Chemical Graph, Chemistry, Ligature, Selective, Proper Name, Spot, Identity, Iconicity, Logical Depth, Logical Breadth, Phemic Sheet, Universe of Discourse, Nota Notae, Continuity, Line of Identity, Personal Identity, Tree of Porphyry, Concept, Teridentity, Generalized Icon, Composition, Compositionality, Icon, Sequence, Negation, Time, Reasoning, Richard Whately, Pragmaticistic Interpretation, Ground, Augustus De Morgan, Entitative Graph, Sign, Representamen, Euler's Diagrams, Friedrich Albert Lange, John Venn, Graphist, Interpreter, Universe of Real Capacities, Universe of Actual Fact, Universe of Tendencies, Modality, Information, Actual, Possible, Necessary, Tincture, Logical Universe, Oscar Howard Mitchell, Assertion, Feeling, Reason, Material Part, Essence, Alfred Bray Kempe, Connexion, Pseudo-continuity, Bernard Bolzano, Nominalism, Pseudo-continuum, Georg Cantor, Proof of Pragmatism, Proof of Pragmaticism, Limit, Quasi-continuity, Richard Dedekind, Betweenness, Relative, Existential Relation