Article in Journal | Posted 08/10/2017 Wells, Kelley J. (1994). Contra Margolis' Peircean Constructivism: A Peircean Pragmatic Logos Comments on an article on the principles of philosopher Charles S. Peirce on realism and universal generals. Claims concerning Peirce's basis for the status of universal generals; Views on the...
Dictionary Entry | Posted 21/08/2017 Quote from "Topics: Chapter I. Singular Systems" It is essential clearly to discriminate between vagueness and generality. As applied to assertions, this distinction is very easy. Namely, an assertion is comprehensive... |
Manuscript | Posted 21/08/2017 Peirce, Charles S. (1903 [c.]). Topics. Chapter I. Singular Systems. MS [R] 151 Robin Catalogue: |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 21/08/2017 Quote from "Foundations of Mathematics [R]" If a sign allows a latitude of choice to the interpreter, within certain limits and in certain respects, as to what its object or meaning shall be regarded as being, it may... |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 21/08/2017 Quote from "Foundations of Mathematics [R]" If a sign is apt to represent many things, the option as to what single thing it shall be taken to represent may be reserved by the utterer of it, to whom it naturally belongs; in which case it... |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 20/08/2017 Quote from "The Basis of Pragmaticism" The October remarks made the proper distinction between the two kinds of indeterminacy, viz: indefiniteness and generality, of which the former consists in the sign’s not sufficiently expressing... |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 20/08/2017 Quote from "Issues of Pragmaticism" A sign (under which designation I place every kind of thought, and not alone external signs) that is in any respect objectively indeterminate (i.e., whose object is... |
Manuscript | Posted 07/01/2015 Peirce, Charles S. (1903). Lowell Lectures of 1903. Lecture III. 2nd Draught. MS [R] 463 Robin Catalogue: |
Article in Journal | Posted 30/10/2014 Wilson, Aaron (2012). The Perception of Generals The article presents an interpretation of the American pragmatist Charles Sanders Peirce's philosophy regarding the perception of generals, which are also referred to as Thirds. An overview of...
Manuscript | Posted 19/09/2014 Peirce, Charles S. (1901-02 [c.]). An Illustration of Dynamics. MS [R] 49 Robin Catalogue: Infinitesimal, Reality, Existence, Unreal, Proper Name, Common Name, Fancy, Percept, Multitude, Collection, Definiteness, Latitude of Choice, Individuality, Counting, Perceptual Observation, Ens Rationis, Set, Couple, Dyadic Relation, General, Non-existence, Self-correspondence, Correlative Inclusion, Multiplicity
Manuscript | Posted 01/09/2014 Peirce, Charles S. (1895 [c.]). On Quantity, with special reference to Collectional and Mathematical Infinity. MS [R] 14 Robin Catalogue: Mathematics, Quantity, Continuity, Infinity, Definition, Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Deductive Reasoning, Transitive Relation, Cyclical Relation, Negation, Singularity, Addition, Rational Quantity, Real Quantity, Endless Series, Direct Convergence, Limit, Imaginary Quantity, Quaternion, Quasi-continuum, Topics, Graphics, Metrics, Multitude, Number, Counting, Cardinal Numerals, Enumerable Collection, Denumerable Collection, Innumerable Collection, Georg Cantor, Abnumeral Collection, General, Individual, Time, Space, Reasoning, Moment, Presence, Continuum
Manuscript | Posted 03/02/2013 Peirce, Charles S. (1903). Lowell Lectures on Some Topics of Logic Bearing on Questions Now Vexed. C. S. Peirce's Lowell lnstitute Lectures. 1903, Seventh Lecture. Introduction Vol. I. MS [R] 473 From the Robin Catalogue: Continuity, Induction, Abduction, Deduction, Primum Cognitum, Logic, Experiment, Observation, Quasi-experimentation, Proposition, Probable Induction, Probable Deduction, General, Rudimentary Induction, Statistical Induction, Random Selection, Uniformity, John Stuart Mill, Ochamism, Scotism, Duns Scotus, Uniformity of Nature