Second Intention
Dictionary Entry | Posted 26/03/2016 Quote from "Intention" Second intentions are those which are formed by observing and comparing first intentions. Thus the concept “class” is formed by observing and comparing... |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 25/03/2016 Quote from "On a New List of Categories" …second intentions are the objects of the understanding considered as representations, and the first intentions to which they apply are the objects of those ... |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 28/11/2015 Quote from "Chap. XI. On Logical Breadth and Depth" …it is necessary in Logic to pay especial attention to those terms which denote signs. Such terms are genus species &c. No thing is a genus but as there are terms such as man and tree which... |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 25/08/2015 Quote from "On Logical Graphs" Characters of second intention are characters which are brought to our knowledge, not by observation of their subjects, but by observation of logical forms. Relatives of second intention are of... |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 23/08/2015 Quote from "Logical Tracts. No. 2. On Existential Graphs, Euler's Diagrams, and Logical Algebra" Every rhema whose blanks may be filled by signs of ordinary individuals, but which signifies only what is true of symbols of those individuals, without any reference to qualities of sense, is... |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 23/08/2015 Quote from "The Logic of Relatives" By logical reflexion, I mean the observation of thoughts in their expressions. Aquinas remarked that this sort of reflexion is requisite to furnish us with those ideas which, from lack of... |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 23/08/2015 Quote from "Book II. Division I. Part 2. Logic of Relatives. Chapter XII. The Algebra of Relatives" The scholastic doctors used to talk of first intentions and second intentions. First intentions were conceptions obtained by generalizing ordinary experiences.... |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 23/08/2015 Quote from "The Regenerated Logic" The sort of idea which an icon embodies, if it be such that it can convey any positive information, being applicable to some things but not to others, is called a first intention.... |
Manuscript | Posted 22/08/2015 Peirce, Charles S. (1893). Book II. Division I. Part 2. Logic of Relatives. Chapter XII. The Algebra of Relatives. MS [R] 418 Robin Catalogue: |
Manuscript | Posted 10/09/2014 Peirce, Charles S. (1905-07 [c.]). Considerations concerning the Doctrine of Multitude. MS [R] 27 Robin Catalogue: |