First Intention

Keyword: First Intention

Dictionary Entry | Posted 26/03/2016
Quote from "Intention"

First intentions are those concepts which are derived by comparing percepts, such as ordinary concepts of classes, relations, etc.

Dictionary Entry | Posted 25/03/2016
Quote from "On a New List of Categories"

…second intentions are the objects of the understanding considered as representations, and the first intentions to which they apply are the objects of those representations.

Dictionary Entry | Posted 09/03/2016
Quote from "Materials for Monist Article: The Consequences of Pragmaticism. Vols. I and II [R]"

A first intention, so called, is not a direct intention to act, nor even a direct attention to such intention. It is thought in symbols, as for example language; and...

Dictionary Entry | Posted 28/11/2015
Quote from "Chap. XI. On Logical Breadth and Depth"

The first intention is the mental act by which an object is conceived.

Dictionary Entry | Posted 26/08/2015
Quote from "Logic: Fragments [R]"

…the characteristic of an object may be conceived to reside in itself. As such it is a Quale; and the conception of it is called a First Intention.

Dictionary Entry | Posted 23/08/2015
Quote from "Book II. Division I. Part 2. Logic of Relatives. Chapter XII. The Algebra of Relatives"

The scholastic doctors used to talk of first intentions and second intentions. First intentions were conceptions obtained by generalizing ordinary...

Dictionary Entry | Posted 23/08/2015
Quote from "The Regenerated Logic"

The sort of idea which an icon embodies, if it be such that it can convey any positive information, being applicable to some things but not to others, is called a first...

Manuscript | Posted 22/08/2015
Peirce, Charles S. (1893). Book II. Division I. Part 2. Logic of Relatives. Chapter XII. The Algebra of Relatives. MS [R] 418

Robin Catalogue:
A. MS., n.p., 1893, pp. 350-372.
“If I have made any substantial improvement in logic, it is in the discovery of this manner of dealing with the imperfections...