Manuscript | Posted 08/09/2014
Peirce, Charles S. (1895 [c.]). On the Logic of Quantity. MS [R] 17
Robin Catalogue:
A. MS., n.p., [c.1895], pp. 1-9; 7-10 of another draft.
This manuscript should be compared with MS. 16, to which it bears a special similarity. See also MS. 250...
Quantity, Mathematics, Hypothesis, Diagram, Scale of Quantity, Aristotle, Augustus De Morgan, William Hamilton, Euclid, Time, Space, Kant, Benjamin Peirce, George Chrystal, Perfect Knowledge, Definition, Science, Experience, Mathematical Hypothesis, Physical Hypothesis, Deductive Reasoning, Cognitive Experience, Emotional Experience, Probability, Feeling, Sensation, Precept, Observation, Relation, Intuition, Vividness, Instantaneous Photograph, Index, Assertion, Intuitional Diagram
Dictionary Entry | Posted 08/09/2014
Quote from "On the Logic of Quantity, and especially of Infinity"
Mathematical hypotheses are arbitrary creations of the mind. As such, their substance is not experienced. For an experience is the irresistible influence from...
Manuscript | Posted 08/09/2014
Peirce, Charles S. (1895 [c.]). On the Logic of Quantity, and especially of Infinity. MS [R] 16
Robin Catalogue:
A. MS, n.p., [c.1895], pp. 1, 5-9, 7-18, 18-20.
Several definitions of “mathematics,” including Aristotle’s and CSP’s. Mathematical proof and probable reasoning...
Mathematics, Aristotle, Mathematical Hypothesis, Diagrammatic Embodiment, Diagram, Inherential Diagram, Imputational Diagram, Probable Reasoning, Probability, Experience, Deductive Reasoning, Syllogism, Scale of Quantity, Hume, Contguity, Idea, Vividness, Dimness, Clustering of Ideas, Feeling, Consciousness of Duality, Perception, Imagination, Attention, Desire, Suggestiveness, Inner World, Outer World, Nature, Resemblance, Reason, Evolution of Forms, Metaphysics, Quality, Dual Relation, Mediation, Plural Relation, Sign, Representamen, Icon, Noumenon, Index, Symbol, Assertion, Definition, Familiarity, Clearness, Distinctness, Proper Name, Number, Will, Intuition
Manuscript | Posted 01/09/2014
Peirce, Charles S. (1904). On the Foundations of Mathematics. MS [R] 8
Robin Catalogue:
A. MS., n.p., [c.1903?], pp. 1-4, 3-4; 4-8 of another draft.
Sign, Icon, Quality, Index, Proposition, Argument, Term, Meaning, Object, Interpretant, Complete Interpretant, Replica, Thought, Experience, Feeling, Reaction, Otherness, Fallacy, Falsity, Symbol, Perfect Sign
Dictionary Entry | Posted 24/05/2014
Quote from "Pragmatism, Prag"
The breaking of a belief can only be due to some novel experience, whether external or internal. Now experience which could be summoned up at pleasure would not be...
News | Posted 08/07/2013
Language or Experience: Charting Pragmatism’s Course for the 21st Century
Call for papers for a special issue of the European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy (Volume 6, No. 2, 2014)
Guest editor: David Hildebrand (...
Dictionary Entry | Posted 21/04/2013
Quote from "A Neglected Argument for the Reality of God (O)"
An “Experience” is a brutally produced conscious effect that contributes to a habit, self-controlled, yet so satisfying, on deliberation, as to be destructible by no...
Dictionary Entry | Posted 21/04/2013
Quote from "Harvard Lectures on Pragmatism: Lecture II"
But precisely how does this action of experience take place? It takes place by a series of surprises. There is no need of going into details. At one time a ship is sailing along in the trades over...
Dictionary Entry | Posted 21/04/2013
Quote from "A Neglected Argument for the Reality of God (O) (O)"
By Experience, I mean any conscious effect contributing to a habit, satisfactory and selfcontrolled yet destructible by no exercise of intellectual vigor but only by...
Dictionary Entry | Posted 09/03/2013
Quote from "Letters to Lady Welby"
The type of an idea of Secondness is the experience of effort, prescinded from the idea of a purpose. It may be said that there is no such experience, that a purpose is always in view as long as...
Dictionary Entry | Posted 06/02/2013
Quote from "Letters to William James"
The phaneron, as I now call it, the sum total all of the contents of human consciousness, which I believe is about what you (borrowing the term of Avenarius) call pure experience...
Manuscript | Posted 04/02/2013
Peirce, Charles S. (1895 [c.]). On Quantity, with special reference to Collectional and Mathematical Infinity. MS [R] 15
From the Robin Catalogue:
A. MS., n.p., [c.1895], pp. 1-29, incomplete.
Same questions raised as in MS. 14. “Mathematics” defined, with extended comments on the divisions of the...
Anthropology, Applied Mathematics, Aristotle, Association, Astronomy, Augustus De Morgan, Benjamin Peirce, Biography, Biology, Blank, Chemistry, Collectional Quantity, Consequentia Simplex De Inesse, Continuity, Deductive Reasoning, Dyad, Dynamics, Ethics, Ethnological Psychics, Experience, General History, Geography, Geology, George Chrystal, History of Intellectual Products, Hypothesis, Inference by Deiteration, Inference by Excluded Middle, Inference by Insertion, Inference by Iteration, Inference by Omission, Inference from Contradiction, Kant, Limit, Logic, Logical Relation, Mathematical Infinity, Mathematical Relation, Mathematics, Medad, Metaphysics, Meteorology, Molecular Physics, Monad, Multitude, Negative Logical Graph, Nomological Sociology, Philonian Conditional, Physical Geometry, Physics, Physics of Ether, Possibility, Postulate, Practical Sciences, Psychics, Psychology, Pure Mathematics, Quantity, Religion, Science of Gravitation, Science of Space, Science of Time, Space, Time, Triad, Verb, Will, William Hamilton, Zero Proposition, Inference by Commutation
Manuscript | Posted 08/01/2013
Peirce, Charles S. (1903). CSP's Lowell Lectures of 1903. 2nd Part of 3rd Draught of Lecture III. MS [R] 465
From the Robin Catalogue:
A. MS., notebook, G-1903-2a, October 12, 1903, pp. 68-126; A1-A8.
Published, in part, as 1.521-544 (pp. 68-126, with only the first and last paragraphs...
Categories, Kant, Hegel, Firstness, Secondness, Thirdness, Degeneracy, Possibility, Experience, Information, Mind, Cognition, Sign, Object, Logic, Representation, Representamen, Interpretant, Argument, Soundness, Criticism, Sheet of Assertion, Cut, Enclosure
Manuscript | Posted 25/11/2012
Peirce, Charles S. (1897). Multitude and Number. MS [R] 25
From the Robin Catalogue:
A. MS., G-1897-1, pp. 1-82, with rejected or alternative pages running brokenly from p. 7 to p. 71.
Most of manuscript was published (4.170-...
Collection, Universe of Discourse, Experience, Time, Space, Multitude, Discrete Collection, Multiplicity, Mathematics, Philosophy, Enumerable Collection, Finite Collection, Augustus De Morgan, Syllogism of Transposed Quantity, Inenumerable Collection, Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, Denumerable Collection, Multiplication, Free Multiplication, Dominated Multiplication, Georg Cantor, Number, Generating Relation, First Abnumeral Multitude, Primipostnumeral Multitude, Achilles and the Tortoise, Fermatian Syllogism, Primipostnumeral Syllogism, Secundopostnumeral Collection, Arithm, Metrics, Graphics, Topics, Geometry, Absolute, Plane, Singularity, Continuity, Chorisis, Cyclosis, Euler's Theorem, Product of a Collection, Vagueness, Generality, Euclid, Non-Euclidean Geometry