author = "Charles S. Peirce",
title = "{The Bed-Rock Beneath Pragmaticism. MS [R] 300}",
year = 1908,
abstract = "{From the Robin Catalogue:
A. MS., G-1905-1e, pp. 1-65; 33-40; 38-41; 37-38; 40-43.7; plus 64 pp. of fragments running brokenly from p. 1 to p. 60.
This was to have been the fourth and ante-penultimate article of the Monist series. The following pages were published as indicated: 4.561n (pp. 31-399); 4 553n2 (pp. 37-38 of a rejected section). Omitted from publication are comments on the circumstances which led to writing the various articles of the Monist series. In this connection CSP notes, with some horror, the view attributed by the New York Times to William James that practical preference was the basis of pragmatism and considers what James probably meant to say, noting James’s definition of “pragmatism” in Baldwin’s Dictionary of Psychology and Philosophy. The truth of pragmatism and its scientific proof. CSP reveals that he “had passed through a doubt of pragmatism lasting very nearly twenty years.” Discussion of the nature of doubt: the confounding of doubt with disbelief. System of existential graphs; comparison of existential graphs with chemical ones; existential and entitative graphs. Studies of modality: CSP’s early views and subsequent modifications. Among the fragments one finds CSP’s disagreement with Cantor on the matter of pseudo-continuity which for CSP raises a question of the ethics of terminology.
keywords = "Pragmatism, Protagoras, Truth, F. C. S. Schiller, William James, James Mill, Indefiniteness, Protagoreanism, Plato, Vagueness, Generality in Depth, Positivism, Pragmaticism, Ethics of Terminology, Existential Graph, Chemical Graph, Chemistry, Ligature, Selective, Proper Name, Spot, Identity, Iconicity, Logical Depth, Logical Breadth, Phemic Sheet, Universe of Discourse, Nota Notae, Continuity, Line of Identity, Personal Identity, Tree of Porphyry, Concept, Teridentity, Generalized Icon, Composition, Compositionality, Icon, Sequence, Negation, Time, Reasoning, Richard Whately, Pragmaticistic Interpretation, Ground, Augustus De Morgan, Entitative Graph, Sign, Representamen, Euler's Diagrams, Friedrich Albert Lange, John Venn, Graphist, Interpreter, Universe of Real Capacities, Universe of Actual Fact, Universe of Tendencies, Modality, Information, Actual, Possible, Necessary, Tincture, Logical Universe, Oscar Howard Mitchell, Assertion, Feeling, Reason, Material Part, Essence, Alfred Bray Kempe, Connexion, Pseudo-continuity, Bernard Bolzano, Nominalism, Pseudo-continuum, Georg Cantor, Proof of Pragmatism, Proof of Pragmaticism, Limit, Quasi-continuity, Richard Dedekind, Betweenness, Relative, Existential Relation",
language = "English",
note = "From the Commens Bibliography | \url{http://www.commens.org/bibliography/manuscript/peirce-charles-s-1908-bed-rock-beneath-pragmaticism-ms-r-300} *** {Notes: This manuscript has been dated 1908 by Christian Kloesel and Elize Bisanz