Dictionary Entry | Posted 07/04/2013 Quote from "A fragment on metaphysics [CP]" Metaphysics is the proper designation for the third, and completing department of coenoscopy, which in places welds itself into idioscopy, or special science. |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 05/02/2013 Quote from "A Sketch of Logical Critics" … Under Philosophy, we shall find ourselves again forced,-unless we wrench matters,-to make a trichotomy; recognizing first, Phenomenology; second, the Critical, Normative Sciences, and third,... |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 05/02/2013 Quote from "The Basis of Pragmaticism" Metaphysics is the proper designation for the third and completing department of cenoscopy, which in places welds itself into idioscopy, or special science. Its... |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 05/02/2013 Quote from "Syllabus: Syllabus of a course of Lectures at the Lowell Institute beginning 1903, Nov. 23. On Some Topics of Logic" Philosophy is divided into (a) Phenomenology; (b) Normative Science; (c) Metaphysics. Phenomenology ascertains and studies the kinds of elements universally... |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 05/02/2013 Quote from "Harvard Lectures on Pragmatism: Lecture II" … Philosophy ought to be regarded as having three principal divisions. Its principal utility, although by no means its only utility, is to furnish a Weltanschauung, or conception of the... |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 04/02/2013 Quote from "Harvard Lectures on Pragmatism: Lecture V" Philosophy has three grand divisions. The first is Phenomenology, which simply contemplates the Universal Phenomenon and discerns its ubiquitous elements, Firstness... |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 04/02/2013 Quote from "Minute Logic: Chapter II. Prelogical Notions. Section I. Classification of the Sciences (Logic II)" … metaphysics, whose attitude toward the universe is nearly that of the special sciences (anciently, physics was its designation), from which it is mainly distinguished, by... |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 04/02/2013 Quote from "Cambridge Lectures on Reasoning and the Logic of Things: Philosophy and the Conduct of Life" Philosophy seems to consist of two parts, Logic and Metaphysics. [—] Metaphysics recognizes an inner and an outer world, a world of... |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 04/02/2013 Quote from "On Quantity, with special reference to Collectional and Mathematical Infinity" … Philosophy, which makes no special observations, but uses facts commonly known. In order to be exact, it must rest on mathematical principles. It divides into Logic, which... |
Manuscript | Posted 04/02/2013 Peirce, Charles S. (1895 [c.]). On Quantity, with special reference to Collectional and Mathematical Infinity. MS [R] 15 From the Robin Catalogue: Anthropology, Applied Mathematics, Aristotle, Association, Astronomy, Augustus De Morgan, Benjamin Peirce, Biography, Biology, Blank, Chemistry, Collectional Quantity, Consequentia Simplex De Inesse, Continuity, Deductive Reasoning, Dyad, Dynamics, Ethics, Ethnological Psychics, Experience, General History, Geography, Geology, George Chrystal, History of Intellectual Products, Hypothesis, Inference by Deiteration, Inference by Excluded Middle, Inference by Insertion, Inference by Iteration, Inference by Omission, Inference from Contradiction, Kant, Limit, Logic, Logical Relation, Mathematical Infinity, Mathematical Relation, Mathematics, Medad, Metaphysics, Meteorology, Molecular Physics, Monad, Multitude, Negative Logical Graph, Nomological Sociology, Philonian Conditional, Physical Geometry, Physics, Physics of Ether, Possibility, Postulate, Practical Sciences, Psychics, Psychology, Pure Mathematics, Quantity, Religion, Science of Gravitation, Science of Space, Science of Time, Space, Time, Triad, Verb, Will, William Hamilton, Zero Proposition, Inference by Commutation
Manuscript | Posted 04/01/2013 Peirce, Charles S. (1903). Syllabus: Syllabus of a course of Lectures at the Lowell Institute beginning 1903, Nov. 23. On Some Topics of Logic. MS [R] 478 From the Robin Catalogue: Classification of Sciences, Auguste Comte, Science of Discovery, Science of Review, Practical Science, Mathematics, Philosophy, Idioscopy, Phenomenology, Phenomenon, Normative Science, Metaphysics, Physical Science, Psychical Science, Nomological Physics, Classificatory Physics, Nomological Psychics, Classificatory Psychics, Descriptive Psychics, Speculative Grammar, Critic, Methodeutic, Psychology, Ethnology, History, Ontology, Religious Metaphysics, Physical Metaphysics, Crystallography, Biology, Chemistry, Ethics of Terminology, Firstness, Secondness, Thirdness, Hegel, Consciousness, Degeneracy, Law, Dissociation
Encyclopedia Article | Posted 22/12/2012 Vernis, Ramon Vilà: "Peircean Categories: an Old Name for a New Way of Thinking" The evolution of Peirce’s thought seems to go through a series of dramatic turns and breaks, among them the appearance of phenomenology by the turn of the century, along with the emergence of... |
Encyclopedia Article | Posted 22/12/2012 Rosenthal, Sandra: "Categories, Pragmatism, and Experimental Method" Peirce’s method of categorial development reveals the experimental nature of phenomenology, of metaphysics, and of the relation between their respective claims. The phenomenological categories of... |
Manuscript | Posted 19/12/2012 Peirce, Charles S. (1896 [c.]). Lessons of the History of Science. MS [R] 1288 Robin Catalogue: Three Classes of Men, Science, Scientific Man, Learning, Imagination, Morality, Conservatism, Habit, Law of Habit, Mathematics, Mathematical Reasoning, Diagrammatic Reasoning, Conscience, Speculative Inquiry, Conduct, Sham Reasoning, Authority, Continuity, Desire to Learn, Blocking of Inquiry, Metaphysics, Analytic Method, Historic Method, Ricardo, Retroduction, Abduction, Analogy, Deduction, Induction, John Stuart Mill, Kepler, Copernicus, Greed, Political Economy, Study of Useless Things, Hegelianism, Il Lume Naturale, Generalization, Abstraction, Ockham's Razor, Nominalism, Economy of Research, Exactitude, Certitude, Pythagoras, Uniformity of Nature, Sampling, Paul Carus, Aristotle, Evolution, Darwinian Evolution, Lamarckian Evolution, Cataclysmal Evolution, Pound, Pasteur, Progress of Science, Ego, Soul, Testimony, Historical Documents, Hypnosis, Telepathy, Instinct, Helmholtz, Hypothesis, Ernst Mach
Dictionary Entry | Posted 15/10/2012 Quote from "Unidentified Fragments" Metaphysics is the proper designation for the third, and completing department of coenoscopy, which in places welds itself into idioscopy, or special science. |
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