Normal Interpretant   

Normal Interpretant

Digital Companion to C. S. Peirce
Normal Interpretant
1906 [c.] | On the System of Existential Graphs Considered as an Instrument for the Investigation of Logic | MS [R] 499(s)

…there is the Normal Interpretant, which is the true Interpretand, which the sign ought to produce. Its true value.

1908-Dec | Letters to Lady Welby | CP 8.343

… it is necessary to distinguish the Immediate Object, or the Object as the Sign represents it, from the Dynamical Object, or really efficient but not immediately present Object. It is likewise requisite to distinguish the Immediate Interpretant, i.e. the Interpretant represented or signified in the Sign, from the Dynamic Interpretant, or effect actually produced on the mind by the Sign; and both of these from the Normal Interpretant, or effect that would be produced on the mind by the Sign after sufficient development of thought.