author = "Charles S. Peirce",
title = "{Syllabus: Syllabus of a course of Lectures at the Lowell Institute beginning 1903, Nov. 23. On Some Topics of Logic. MS [R] 478}",
year = 1903,
abstract = "{From the Robin Catalogue:
A. MS., G-1903-2b and G-1903-2d, pp. 1-168 (pp. 106-136 missing); a second title page; pp. 2-23 of a revised section; 69 pp. of variants; and a corrected copy of the printed syllabus.
A second version of the above title, “A Syllabus of Certain Topics of Logic,” became the title of the pamphlet published by Alfred Mudge & Son, Boston, 1903. The pamphlet, however, is not an exact copy of the manuscript, several sections having been omitted. From the manuscript, pp. 1-26 and 137-149 were published in the pamphlet as pp. 1-14 and 15-20 respectively. Transformation rules for existential graphs are treated in an abridged form on pp. 20-23 of the pamphlet. For publication of the pamphlet in the Collected Papers, see G-1903-2b. Pages 43-46, 47-48, 48-50, and 50-89 published respectively as 2.274-277, 2.283-284, 2.292-294, and 2.309-331. Omitted from publication: sundry logical conceptions; Peircean categories of Firstness, Secondness, Thirdness; the possibility of certain kinds of separation of thought; dissociation, precision, discrimination; the categories in their forms of Firstness (phenomenology); the normative sciences and their interrelations; the division of logic into speculative grammar, logical critic, and methodeutic (pp. 27-42). Arguments as symbols; classification of arguments into deduction, induction, and abduction; etymology of deduction (pp. 89-105).
Published: EP 2:258-262 (“An Outline Classification of the Sciences”), EP 2:263-266 (“The Ethics of Terminology”), EP 2:267-288 (Sundry Logical Conceptions).
keywords = "Classification of Sciences, Auguste Comte, Science of Discovery, Science of Review, Practical Science, Mathematics, Philosophy, Idioscopy, Phenomenology, Phenomenon, Normative Science, Metaphysics, Physical Science, Psychical Science, Nomological Physics, Classificatory Physics, Nomological Psychics, Classificatory Psychics, Descriptive Psychics, Speculative Grammar, Critic, Methodeutic, Psychology, Ethnology, History, Ontology, Religious Metaphysics, Physical Metaphysics, Crystallography, Biology, Chemistry, Ethics of Terminology, Firstness, Secondness, Thirdness, Hegel, Consciousness, Degeneracy, Law, Dissociation",
language = "English",
note = "From the Commens Bibliography | \url{http://www.commens.org/bibliography/manuscript/peirce-charles-s-1903-syllabus-syllabus-course-lectures-lowell-institute}"