Frank Ramsey

Keyword: Frank Ramsey

Article in Journal | Posted 07/05/2016
Misak, Cheryl (2015). Ramsey's Cognitivism: Truth, Ethics, and the Meaning of Life
Frank Ramsey is usually taken to be an emotivist or an expressivist about the good: he is usually taken to bifurcate inquiry into fact-stating and non-fact-stating domains, ethics falling into the...
Article in Journal | Posted 20/02/2016
Misak, Cheryl (2016). Pragmatism and the Naturalist Project in Ethics and Politics: Lessons from Peirce, Lewis and Ramsey
It is argued here that the pragmatism of C.S. Peirce, C.I. Lewis and Frank Ramsey can deliver a cognitivist, naturalist account of ethical and political inquiry. The ensuing position escapes...