Dictionary Entry | Posted 19/03/2018 Quote from "Draft of Nichols Review [C]" ..there are signs that both can be and have to be interpreted in an appropriate act and deed, in order that their peculiar purport may be conveyed. Let a man write his name on a scrap of paper,... |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 13/03/2018 Quote from "P of L" A dicisign is a sign whose proper interpretant represents the object of the sign to be different from the sign itself, but ignores the distinction between the sign... |
Article in Journal | Posted 17/08/2017 Bellucci, Francesco (2014). “Logic, considered as Semeiotic”: On Peirce's Philosophy of Logic In his later years, Peirce devoted much energy to the project of a book on logic, whose intended title was “Logic, considered as Semeiotic.” That the science of logic is better considered as...
Dictionary Entry | Posted 13/10/2015 Quote from "Notes on Portions of Hume's "Treatise on Human Nature"" In their relations to their Triadic, i.e. intended or adaptational Interpretants, Signs may, 1st, determine those interpretants, merely in the sense that, if the Interpretants represent... |
Article in Journal | Posted 29/11/2014 Bitarello, Breno, Queiroz, João (2014). Embodied Semiotic Artifacts: on the Role of the Skin as a Semiotic Niche The skin can be described as a niche structured by semiotic artefacts (tattoos) that work as symbolic–indexical devices (dicisigns). New biocompatible technologies responsive to organic and...
News | Posted 20/10/2014 The Actuality of Peirce’s Thought The 2014 Lisbon Centennial Peirce (1839-1914) Workshop PROGRAMME 10th of November
News | Posted 28/06/2014 New Book on Peirce's Doctrine of Dicisigns Frederik Stjernfelt: Natural Propositions: The Actuality of Peirce's Doctrine of Dicisigns (Docent Press, 2014) Natural Propositions is about the desirable consequence of... |
Manuscript | Posted 18/08/2013 Peirce, Charles S. (1906 [c.]). On Signs [R]. MS [R] 793 From the Robin Catalogue: Sign, Medium of Communication, Form, Quasi-mind, Medium, Object, Interpretant, Existential Graph, Active Correlate, Passive Correlate, Tertian, Secundan, Priman, Real Object, Immediate Object, Intended Interpretant, Actual Interpretant, Reflex Interpretant, Logic, Material Characters, Speculative Grammar, Speculative Rhetoric, Logical Critic, Utterance, Habit of Action, Growth of Idea-potentiality, Dicisign, Proposition, Critic, Methodeutic
Dictionary Entry | Posted 17/04/2013 Quote from "Letters to Lady Welby" In regard to its relation to its signified interpretant, a sign is either a Rheme, a Dicent, or an Argument. This corresponds to the old division Term, Proposition, & Argument, modified so as... |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 17/04/2013 Quote from "Syllabus: Syllabus of a course of Lectures at the Lowell Institute beginning 1903, Nov. 23. On Some Topics of Logic" The second trichotomy of representamens is [divided] into: first, simple signs, substitutive signs, or Sumisigns; second, double signs, informational signs, quasi-propositions, or ... |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 17/04/2013 Quote from "Syllabus: Nomenclature and Division of Triadic Relations, as far as they are determined" A Dicent Sign is a sign, which, for its Interpretant, is a Sign of actual existence. It cannot, therefore, be an icon, which affords no ground for an... |