Logical Interpretant

Keyword: Logical Interpretant

Dictionary Entry | Posted 15/10/2015
Quote from "Pragmatism"

…there is a third interpretant, to which no object of the sign corresponds. It is what we commonly call the meaning of the sign; but I call it the logical interpretant, or logical meaning...

Dictionary Entry | Posted 13/10/2015
Quote from "Pragmatism"

It is now necessary to point out that there are three kinds of interpretants. Our categories suggest them, and the suggestion is confirmed by careful examination. I terms them the Emotional, the...

Manuscript | Posted 05/09/2015
Peirce, Charles S. (1906). The Argument for Pragmatism anachazomenally or recessively stated. MS [R] 330

Robin Catalogue:
A. MS., n.p., n.d., 1 folded sheet; plus 5 other folded sheets which, although lacking a title or mark, seem to be connected with the first.
The argument stated...

Dictionary Entry | Posted 15/08/2013
Quote from "Pragmatism"

Every concept, doubtless, first arises when upon a strong, but more or less vague, sense of need is superinduced some involuntary experience of a suggestive nature; that being suggestive which has...

Dictionary Entry | Posted 15/08/2013
Quote from "Pragmatism"

[The energetic interpretant] never can be the meaning of an intellectual concept, since it is a single act, [while] such a concept is of a general nature. But what further kind of effect can there...