Heuretic Science

Keyword: Heuretic Science

Dictionary Entry | Posted 24/08/2017
Quote from "On the System of Existential Graphs Considered as an Instrument for the Investigation of Logic"

…I must explain in what sense I speak of a “science”, – which is an abridged expression for a heuretic science, or science aiming at the discovery of new truth....

Manuscript | Posted 24/08/2017
Peirce, Charles S. (1906 [c.]). On the System of Existential Graphs Considered as an Instrument for the Investigation of Logic. MS [R] 499

Robin Catalogue:
A. MS., notebook (Harvard Cooperative), n.p., n.d.
The value of logical algebras. Logic as a calculus: CSP’s minority report. The way in which the system of...

Dictionary Entry | Posted 23/07/2015
Quote from "The Basis of Pragmaticism"

The word “science” has three principal acceptions, to wit:

Firstly, men educated in Jesuit and similar colleges often use the term in the sense of the Greek ἐπιστήμη, the...

Dictionary Entry | Posted 19/05/2015
Quote from "Reason's Conscience: A Practical Treatise on the Theory of Discovery; Wherein logic is conceived as Semeiotic"

Science of Discovery is that science which is pursued simply to find out the truth, regardless of what is to be done with that knowledge.

Dictionary Entry | Posted 19/05/2015
Quote from "L [R]"

These three great divisions, Idioscopy, Cenoscopy, and Mathematics, together constitute the aggregate of those sciences which are sometimes called Theoretical Sciences, but which I prefer to call...