@unpublished{Peirce1908 [c.],
author = "Charles S. Peirce",
title = "{A Neglected Argument for the Reality of God (G). MS [R] 842}",
year = 1908 [c.],
abstract = "{From the Robin Catalogue:
A. MS., G-c.1905-1, pp. 1-134 (p. 27 and pp. 109-120 missing), with 40 pp. Of variants and 1 p. (“Contents of G”).
Published, in part, as 2.755-772, except 757nl (pp. 44-108, except 86-87). Unpublished: Dedication “to the friend of my dreams.” Autobiographical notes on CSP’s early interest in logic. Neglected (“Humble”) argument presented. Logical critic. The nature of real doubt and inquiry. Man’s tendency toward correct conjectures illustrated. Retroduction and deduction. The division of signs into iconic, indexical, and symbolic. Two kinds of deductions: definitory and ratiocinative. The correction of crude induction, e.g., argument against miracles. Scholastic realism.
keywords = "Richard Whately, Logic, God, Humble Argument, Logical Critic, Belief, Cartesian Doubt, Doubt, Kepler, Galileo, Isaac Newton, Daniel Bernoulli, Robert Boyle, John Dalton, Instinct, Physical Science, Psychical Science, Mathematics, Retroduction, Icon, Index, Symbol, Induction, Deduction, Proper Name, Logistic Deduction, Syllogical Deduction, Definitory Deduction, Ratiocinative Deduction, Generalization, Choresy, Cyclosy, Periphraxy, Apeiry, Logical Analysis, Demonstration, Francis Bacon, Crude Induction, Quantitative Induction, Qualitative Induction, Karl Pearson, John Stuart Mill, Uniformity of Nature, Philodemus, Pierre Simon Laplace, Probability, Miracle, Law of Nature, Tychism, Edward Montgomery, Evolutionary Theory, Emanational Theory, Ogden Rood, Scholastic Realism, Rhema, Subject, Categorical Proposition",
language = "English",
note = "From the Commens Bibliography | \url{http://www.commens.org/bibliography/manuscript/peirce-charles-s-1908-c-neglected-argument-reality-god-g-ms-r-842} *** {Notes: Given the topic of this manuscript, Christian Kloesel's estimate (1908) is almost certainly closer to the mark than the dating proposed in the Robin Catalogue.