Dictionary Entry | Posted 06/09/2015 Quote from "On the Meaning of "Real" [R]" …a “would-be” refers to a whole range, or general description, of possibilities which it asserts to be alike in a certain respect; so that two directly opposite assertions of would-be’s might both... |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 06/09/2015 Quote from "Pragmatism" …no agglomeration of actual happenings can ever completely fill up the meaning of a “would-be.” |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 06/09/2015 Quote from "Note (Notes on Art. III) [R]" …though I am not perfectly sure of my ground (and I am a cautious reasoner), yet I am more that what you would understand by “pretty confident,” that supposing one to be in a condition to assert... |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 06/09/2015 Quote from "A Study of How to Reason Safely and Efficiently" …by a Habit I shall mean a character of anything, say of B, this character consisting in the fact that under circumstances of a certain kind, say A, B would tend to be such as is... |
Manuscript | Posted 21/09/2014 Peirce, Charles S. (1912 [c.]). Secundal Computation. MS [R] 53 Robin Catalogue: |