Law of Mind
Article in Journal | Posted 16/09/2017 Pape, Helmut (1997). Love's Power and the Causality of Mind: C. S. Peirce on the Place of Mind and Culture in Evolution Discusses a positive thesis about human culture. Information on mental causality in Charles Peirce's evolutionary cosmology; Distinction between the law of love and the law of mind; Types of...
Dictionary Entry | Posted 21/10/2015 Quote from "The Law of Mind and Our Glassy Essence" …if the law of habit were absolute, there would be no room for the formation of new habits; now precisely all that psychical law does is to regulate the formation of habits... |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 21/10/2015 Quote from "The Architecture of Theories" The one primary and fundamental law of mental action consists in a tendency to generalization. Feeling tends to spread; connections between feelings awaken feelings... |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 26/07/2015 Quote from "Cambridge Lectures on Reasoning and the Logic of Things: Habit" The most plastic of all things is the human mind, and next after that comes the organic world, the world of protoplasm. Now the generalizing tendency is the great law of... |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 26/07/2015 Quote from "Grand Logic 1893: Division III. Substantial Study of Logic Chapter VI. The Essence of Reasoning" A concept is the living influence upon us of a diagram, or icon, with whose several parts are connected in thought an equal number of feelings or ideas. ... |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 26/07/2015 Quote from "Minute Logic: Chapter II. Prelogical Notions. Section I. Classification of the Sciences (Logic II)" …according to the law of dynamics, no change of motion can take place except through accelerations which are dependent exclusively upon the mutual positions of particles or parts of matter; and... |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 26/07/2015 Quote from "The Law of Mind" Let me now try to gather up all these odds and ends of commentary and restate the law of mind, in a unitary way. First, then, we find that when we regard ideas from a nominalistic,... |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 26/07/2015 Quote from "The Law of Mind" One of the most marked features about the law of mind is that it makes time to have a definite direction of flow from past to future. The relation of past to future is, in reference to the law of... |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 26/07/2015 Quote from "The Law of Mind" Logical analysis applied to mental phenomena shows that there is but one law of mind, namely, that ideas tend to spread continuously and to affect certain others which... |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 26/07/2015 Quote from "Uniformity" The hypothesis suggested by the present writer is that all laws are results of evolution; that underlying all other laws is the only tendency which can grow by its own... |
Dictionary Entry | Posted 26/07/2015 Quote from "Minute Logic: Chapter II. Prelogical Notions. Section I. Classification of the Sciences (Logic II)" Mind has its universal mode of action, namely, by final causation. The microscopist looks to see whether the motions of a little creature show any purpose. If so, there is mind there. Passing from... |
Article in Journal | Posted 03/11/2014 Bracken, Joseph A. (2014). Whiteheadian Societies and Peirce's Law of Mind: Actuality and Potentiality in the Cosmic Process A more suitable philosophical position to counter the claims of scientific materialism re the nature of physical reality can possibly be found in combining the metaphysics of A.N. Whitehead and C.S....