Joseph Ransdell
Keyword: Joseph Ransdell
Article in Journal | Posted 30/10/2014 Kasser, Jeff (2013). Ransdell on Socrates, Peirce, and Intellectual Modesty This essay offers an elucidation and a critical examination of Joe Ransdell's striking suggestion that Peirce is the first real heir of Socrates other than Plato. Ransdell links Socratic...
Article in Journal | Posted 30/10/2014 Richmond, Gary, Udell, Ben (2013). Joseph Ransdell and the Communicational Process of Philosophy. In the last decades of his life, Joseph Ransdell experimented with the communicational process of philosophy with the use of recent technological developments and envisioning what he called a...
Article in Journal | Posted 29/10/2014 Legg, Cathy (2013). 'The Meaning of a Thought is Altogether Something Virtual': Joseph Ransdell and His Legacy An introduction is presented that discusses the issue theme of the work of philosopher Joseph Ransdell, his thought on philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce, and his curating of internet forums for the...
Article in Journal | Posted 29/10/2014 Ransdell, Lucy (2013). On Joseph Ransdell An introduction is presented that discusses the issue's focus on philosopher Joseph Ransdell, the author's father, noting the importance of family and interpersonal relationships in...