Keyword: Error
Manuscript | Posted 08/01/2015 Peirce, Charles S. (1903). C. S . Peirce's Lowell Lectures for 1903. Lecture 4.. MS [R] 467 Robin Catalogue: Gamma Graph, Alpha Graph, Beta Graph, Quincuncial Projection, Logic of Relatives, Quality, Broken Cut, Modal Proposition, Time, Error, Ignorance, Potential, Exact Logic, Augustus De Morgan, George Boole, William Stanley Jevons, Ernst Schröder, Oscar Howard Mitchell, Entitative Graph, Existential Graph
Article in Journal | Posted 30/10/2014 Cooke, Elizabeth F. (2011). Phenomenology of Error and Surprise: Peirce, Davidson, and McDowell The article examines the phenomenological thought of U.S. philosophers Charles S. Peirce and Donald Davidson regarding human error recognition. It is noted that while both share similar views on...