author = "T. L. Short",
title = "{Empiricism Expanded}",
year = 2015,
journal = "Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society",
volume = 51,
number = "1",
pages = "1-33",
issn = "00091774",
abstract = "{Peirce's empiricism was not limited to the pragmatic maxim. Eventually, he conceived of philosophy as a set of empirical inquiries, metaphysical and normative. To support that idea, he had to show that we can observe more than it is usually assumed that we can observe. His long series of experimental studies of observation established the objectivity of what would otherwise be thought subjective. He showed that experience itself can be observed and that, once observed, it proves to have aspects modal and normative. In method and in aim, Peirce's philosophy presents an alternative to contemporary fashions in philosophy. Its aim was to establish facts, not to analyze concepts. This paper only sketches that program; its focus is the empirical grounds on which Peirce expanded empiricism.}",
keywords = "Empiricism, Objectivity",
language = "English",
note = "From the Commens Bibliography | \url{http://www.commens.org/bibliography/journal_article/short-t-l-2015-empiricism-expanded}"