Maxim of Pragmatism

Keyword: Maxim of Pragmatism

Dictionary Entry | Posted 07/04/2013
Quote from "Pragmatic and Pragmatism"

The opinion that metaphysics is to be largely cleared up by the application of the following maxim for attaining clearness of apprehension: “Consider what effects, that...

Dictionary Entry | Posted 07/04/2013
Quote from "Grand Logic 1893: Methodology. The Doctrine of Definition and Division. Chapter XVI. Clearness of Apprehension"

It appears, then, that the rule for attaining the third grade of clearness of apprehension is as follows: Consider what effects, that might conceivably have practical bearings, we conceive the...

Dictionary Entry | Posted 07/04/2013
Quote from "How to Make Our Ideas Clear"

It appears, then, that the rule for attaining the third grade of clearness of apprehension is as follows: Consider what effects, that might conceivably have practical bearings, we conceive the...
