Robin Catalogue: A. MS., notebook, n.p., [1903], pp. 44-60. MS. 316 continues MS. 314, and was in fact delivered as part of Lecture VI. What is the end of a term? Distinction between term and rhema. The common noun, its late development and restriction to a peculiar family of languages. Term and index. Three truths necessary for the comprehension of the merits of pragmatism: that all our ideas are given to us in perceptual judgments; that perceptual judgments contain elements of generality (so that Thirdness is directly perceived); that the abductive faculty is a shading off of that which at its peak is called “perception.” Pragmatism and the logic of abduction.
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A rhema containing one blank I call a monad, that containing two a dyad, etc. An entire proposition I term a medad, from μηδέν.