@unpublished{Peirce1903 [c.],
author = "Charles S. Peirce",
title = "{On the Simplest Possible Branch of Mathematics. MS [R] 1}",
year = 1903 [c.],
abstract = "{A. MS., n.p., [c.1903?], pp. 1-9, 13, 17-33.
Brief discussion of paradisaical logic, i.e., system of logic in which only one value is supposed, provided another value (or other values) is not positively denied. The simplest kind of mathematics referred to, however, is a two-valued system of which Boole’s algebra of logic is regarded as a special case. Inadequacies of Boolean algebra and some merits of secundal notation. Rules and examples for common mathematical operations in CSP’s dyadic system.
keywords = "Mathematics, Paradisaical Logic, Boolean Algebra, Logic of Relations, Dyadic Mathematics, Ernst Schröder",
language = "English",
note = "From the Commens Bibliography | \url{http://www.commens.org/bibliography/manuscript/peirce-charles-s-1903-c-simplest-possible-branch-mathematics-ms-r-1}"