author = "Christiane Moro and Virginie Dupertuis and Sandrine Fardel and Olivia Piguet",
title = "{Investigating the development of consciousness through ostensions toward oneself from the onset of the use-of-object to first words}",
year = 2015,
journal = "Cognitive Development",
volume = 36,
pages = "150-160",
issn = "08852014",
abstract = "{This paper considers the development of consciousness in a pragmatic and semiotic perspective. Grounded in Vygotsky’s pivotal cultural-historical conception of sign, the role of nonverbal signs through ostensions involving an object that infants address to themselves is investigated, evidencing the link between the material world and the development of the human psyche. The main functions of such ostensions which have been identified are presented and an analysis of the meaning-making processes underlying these functions is suggested.}",
keywords = "Vygotsky, Consciousness",
language = "English",
note = "From the Commens Bibliography | \url{http://www.commens.org/bibliography/journal_article/moro-christiane-dupertuis-virginie-fardel-sandrine-piguet-olivia-2015}"