author = "Mirella De Menezes Migliari and Vera Lúcia M. Dos Santos Nojima",
title = "{Tipografia 'desconstrucionista' e o modelo triádico de Peirce}",
year = 2007,
journal = "InfoDesign: Revista Brasileira de Design da Informação",
volume = 4,
number = "1",
pages = "20-28",
issn = "18085377",
abstract = "{The post-structuralist literary theory by Jacques Derrida influenced a whole generation of graphic designers in the (19)80s, starting in Califórnia, USA, and offering an alternative to the mainstream course: the International Style . From this gathering of ideas breaks out a new concept in the field of graphic design: 'deconstructionist' typography. Under a semiotic perspective however, typography configures a system of signs that outbreak the linguistic territory. This article presents 'deconstructionist' typography analysed under the light of the semiotic model proposed by Charles Sanders Peirce..}",
keywords = "Typography, Derrida",
language = "Portuguese, Brazil",
note = "From the Commens Bibliography | \url{http://www.commens.org/bibliography/journal_article/migliari-mirella-de-menezes-nojima-vera-l%C3%BAcia-m-dos-santos-2007}"