author = "Vincent M. Colapietro",
title = "{Habit, Competence, and Purpose: How to Make the Grades of Clarity Clearer}",
year = 2009,
journal = "Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society",
volume = 45,
number = "3",
pages = "348-377",
issn = "00091774",
abstract = "{The article discusses the views of the philosopher Charles S. Peirce on habit as a central feature of human signification. It focuses on the connection between particular habits and the general disposition which induces a person to cultivate them. It is noted that Peirce typically discussed such issues in terms of competence or expertise, and used them to illustrate important aspects of his pragmatic theory of meaning. Some historically grounded examples of the relationships between purpose, habit and expertise are provided, as a means of illustrating Peirce's classification of differing grades of clarity.}",
keywords = "Habit, Clearness, Competence",
language = "English",
note = "From the Commens Bibliography | \url{http://www.commens.org/bibliography/journal_article/colapietro-vincent-m-2009-habit-competence-and-purpose-how-make-grades}"