author = "Hélio R. Cardoso",
title = "{Peirce and Foucault on Time and History: The Tasks of (Dis)continuity}",
year = 2016,
journal = "History & Theory",
volume = 55,
number = "1",
pages = "25-38",
issn = "00182656",
abstract = "{Some have recognized an affinity between Pragmatist thought and that of Foucault, though this affinity is typically cashed out in terms of William James and John Dewey and not Charles Sanders Peirce. This article argues that bringing Foucault and Peirce into collaboration not only shows the relevance of Peirce for Foucault, and vice versa, but also enriches the thought of both thinkers-indeed, it also reveals important implications for the theory of history more generally. Specifically, the article crosses the Peircean concept of habit and the Foucauldian concept of practice (as it operates in the arenas of discourse, power, and self), ultimately decoding them in terms of an account of time that derives from Peirce and that gives a fundamental role to discontinuity. In this way the article shows how Peirce can provide Foucault with an account of time that buttresses and grounds his genealogical approach to history, while at the same time revealing how Foucault can provide Peirce with an account of history. The synergy between the two thinkers offers a way to think about the nature of history that goes beyond what each thinker individually provided.}",
keywords = "Foucault, Discontinuity",
language = "English",
note = "From the Commens Bibliography | \url{http://www.commens.org/bibliography/journal_article/cardoso-h%C3%A9lio-r-2016-peirce-and-foucault-time-and-history-tasks}"