1 [The Nature of Mathematics] 2 The Regenerated Logic 3 The Logic of Mathematics in Relation to Education 4 The Simplest Mathematics 5 The Essence of Reasoning 6 New Elements of Geometry 7 On the Logic of Quantity 8 Sketch of Dichotomic Mathematics 9 [Pragmatism and Mathematics] 10 Prolegomena to an Apology for Pragmaticism 11 [‘Collection’ in The Century Dictionary] 12 [On Collections and Substantive Possibility] 13 [The Ontology of Collections] 14 The Logic of Quantity 15 Recreations in Reasoning 16 Topical Geometry 17 A Geometrico-Logical Discussion 18 [‘Continuity’ in The Century Dictionary] 19 The Law of Mind 20 [Scientific Fallibilism] 21 On Quantity [The Continuity of Time and Space] 22 Detached Ideas Continued and the Dispute between Nominalists and Realists 23 The Logic of Continuity 24 [On Multitudes] 25 Infinitesimals 26 The Bed-Rock beneath Pragmaticism 27 [Note and Addendum on Continuity] 28 Addition [on Continuity] 29 Supplement [on Continuity]
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